FEMS Grants
FEMS is a sponsor of the Power of Microbes 2019 Symposium, and offers to support the attendance of Young Scientists.
FEMS is a federation of microbiological societies in Europe. It encompasses member societies from numerous European countries. A full list of Member Societies, FEMS vision, activities and news can be found at the FEMS website: fems-microbiology.org.
FEMS Grants
This meeting is selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for congress participation for Early Career Researchers*.
Early Career Scientist Meeting Grant (ECSMG) Eligibility
To apply for thitis grant, you would need to meet following requirements:
- be a member of a FEMS Member Society* or be recommended by such a member
- be an Early Career Scientist**
- be an Active Microbiologist
- be presenting author at the meeting (oral or poster)
*Find out if your society is a FEMS Member at https://fems-microbiology.org/member-societies/
**These are active microbiologists who obtained the highest academic degree – Bachelor, Master or PhD – less than five years prior to the application deadline date, or are a Master or PhD student.
Please submit a completed ECS Meeting Grant Application Form if you are eligible, and wish to apply for the FEMS Young Scientists Meeting Grant. Download and fill out the application form and send it to e-mail:
powerofmicrobes@hmd-cms.hr, together with a copy of the abstract. Please send all required documents in a single pdf file. Please include in the e-mail subject “FEMS YSMG application”.
Deadline: February 15th, 2019
Additional benefits
As a FEMS Member Society member, you can:
- benefit the grant provided for this meeting (see Eligibility above)
- apply for FEMS Grants
- benefit a discount off the registration fee for FEMS congresses
- benefit a 25% discount off a selection of OUP books