Fabrice Martin-Laurent

- Affiliation Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
UMR 1347 Agroécologie
17 rue sully, BP 86510
F-21065 Dijon Cedex
E-mail: fabrice.martin@inra.fr
- Positions Director of Research, INRA Dijon
Adjunct-Director of UMR Agroécologie
Head of Department BIOmE
- Nationality French
- Personal data Sex: M
Date of Birth: May 15, 1970
- Diploma and Degree
2007 Habilitation to Lead Research, Microbial Ecology, Burgundy University
1998 PhD of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Burgundy University
1993 Diploma of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Burgundy University
1992 Master of Biochemistry, Burgundy University
1991 Bsc of Cellular Biology and of Physiology Option Biochemistry, Burgundy University
1990 DEUG B option Chemistry, Burgundy University
1988 Baccalauréat D
- Recent highlights
2017 Coordinator of ANR project ‘ANTIBIOTOX’
2016 Jean Dufrenoy Price, French Academy of Agriculture
2012 Funding from OECD Cooperative Research Programme, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada (4 months)
2010-2013 Coordinator of an EU project. ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV SEE-ERA-NET; Program http://www4.inra.fr/ecofun_microbiodiv/
2011-2013 Coordinator of BIODECHLORD project. Biodegradability of the insecticide chlordecone in agricultural soil of the French West Indies.
- Scientific production
133 papers 2018-1994, H index 30, 3 747 citations, 3 361 without self-citations (Web of Science, May 2018)
- International activity
2004-… French delegate for AFNOR at International Standard Organization (ISO, TC190/SC4/WG4)
2014-… Scientific expert for European Food Safety Authority (PPR panel)