Matthias Georg Steiger

Areas of Expertise and Research Interests:
- Biotechnology & biochemistry: My research focuses on the production of chemicals and
small molecules using different microbial host systems including filamentous fungi, yeast and
bacteria. - More than 10 years of research experience with filamentous fungi and yeast especially with Aspergillus niger, Pichia pastoris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Trichoderma reesei.
- I use metabolic engineering and directed evolution as technologies to modify and redirect
natural metabolic pathways. - I am convinced that understanding the spatial and structural organisation of metabolic
pathways is a key to design new and efficient production processes. Therefore, I pursue to
investigate and characterize cellular transport processes.
Scientific career and education
Oct. 2014 – present
Senior Scientist and working group leader, Area Systems Biology and Microbial Cell Factories, Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib), Vienna, Austria
Oct. 2018 – present
Lecturer and faculty member, Doctoral School Bioprocess Engineering at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Sep. 2011 – present
Lecturer in the bachelor program for bioengineering, Department Applied Life Sciences, FH Campus Vienna (University of Applied Sciences)
Feb. 2014 – Sep. 2014
Post-doctoral research fellow with Prof. Arthur Ram and Prof. Peter Punt, Institute of Biology, University Leiden, The Netherlands, funded by the acib educational program
Sep. 2010 – Feb. 2014
Scientist, Area Systems Biology and Microbial Cell Factories, acib, Vienna, lab of Prof. Diethard Mattanovich and PD Dr. Michael Sauer
Aug. 2010
PhD (Graduation with honors), title: “Engineering an N-acetylneuraminic acid synthesis pathway into Hypocrea (Trichoderma)”, at TU Wien Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Robert L. Mach
Sep. 2007 – Oct. 2010
Doctoral studies and Research Assistant, Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering at TU Wien
May 2007
Master thesis, title: “Der Aktivator Xyr1 und seine Bedeutung für den Laktosemetabolismus von Trichoderma reesei“ Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Robert L. Mach
Oct. 2001 – May 2007
Master studies in Technical Chemistry with specialization in biochemistry and biotechnology, TU Wien
Feb. 2005 – June 2005
ERASMUS, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Achievements, Prizes
- 2017 Panel A rating for an ERC Starting Grant (not sufficient money for funding available)
- 2015 Meeting Attendance Grant
- 2010 INITS PhD Award 2010 – Category Life Sciences
- 2007 Participant TUtheTop (2007) – High Potential Program of TU Wien
- 2005-2007 Advancement scholarship grants, Faculty of Chemistry, TU Wien
A complete publication list can be accessed via my ORCID profile