Invited Speakers

Sebastian G. B. Amyes

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Professor of Microbial Chemotherapy in the Medical School, University of Edinburgh. His research interests are mechanisms of antibiotic action and antibiotic resistance in hospital and community patients, mostly focussing on antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae.   Amyes Mini-Biography 1970 BSc in Biochemistry from University College London 1971 MSc in Virology from the University of Reading […]

Fernando Baquero

Ramón y Cajal Universty Hospital, Madrid, Spain

Doctor in Medicine, Ramón y Cajal Research Professor in Bacterial Evolution at the Biomedical Research Foundation and Department of Microbiology of the Ramón y Cajal Universty Hospital, member of CIBERESP and associated scientist at the Astrobiology Center (CSIC) in Madrid. His interests are focused mostly on the biochemistry, genetics, population biology, ecology, and evolution of […]

Miguel Cámara

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Professor of Molecular Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham.  He has 24 years of expertise in the study of molecular mechanisms of quorum sensing-based control of gene expression in bacteria, how it influences the behaviour of polymicrobial communities and their interaction with mammalian hosts and eukaryotic organisms. He has also been working on […]

Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn

Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Professor at the Complutense University in Madrid. His research interests focus on the role and function of small plasmids in antimicrobial resistance, the bacterial SOS-response and the 16S rRNA methyltranferases in pathogenic bacteria. Prof. Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn is Professor at the Complutense University in Madrid. He gained his DVM in 1996 and his european PhD in […]

Luca Guardabassi

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Professor at the University of Copenhagen. He completed his PhD in microbiology at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Denmark in 2000 and became ‘de facto’ diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) in 2005. He is a One Health microbiologist specialised in antibiotic resistance and antibiotic therapy. His research has […]

Célia Manaia


Patrick Van Dijck


Prof. Van Dijck studied biology at KU Leuven. After one postgraduate year in Biotechnology, he started his PhD in the Laboratory of Experimental Endocrinology at the faculty of medicine, under the guidance of Prof. Verhoeven. The topic of his PhD was on steroid-hormone regulated gene expression. After a five-year postdoc in the Laboratory of Molecular […]