Zavod za molekularnu biologiju IRB i Bakteriološka sekcija HMD, organiziraju predavanje:
18.05.2011. u 13 h / I krilo IRB
Streptomyces Genomics: New Routes to Antibiotic Discovery
David A. Hopwood, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
Most natural antibiotics are made by the actinomycetes, a group of Gram-positive, mvcelial bacteria that includes the genera Streptomyces and its relatives. After the “Golden Age” of antibiotic discovery in the 1960s, very few new antibiotics were discovered, but the need for novel compounds increased, with the rise of such dangerous pathogens as methicillin resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) and multiply drug resistant (MDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the 1990s, pharmaceutical companies turned to combinatorial chemistry to generate large libraries of compounds, but this approach to antibiotic discovery was unsuccessful because the compounds did not react with biological targets in the way that natural metabolites have been selected to do over millions of years of evolution. More recently, advances in Streptomyces genetics made possible the generation of novel, “hybrid” antibiotics by genetic engineering. More promising is the discovery from actinomycete genomics that the organisms have the potential to make many more interesting compounds than are revealed by classical screening campaigns. The current challenge is to find ways to wake up the “sleeping” gene clusters so as to make available a whole gamut of novel metabolites for assessment as antibiotics. Examples of promising strategies aimed at this objective will be discussed.
Osnovna svrha projekta je doprinijeti uvođenju, razvoju i održivosti programa društveno korisnog učenja na fakultetima. Više o projektu
Cilj Društva je okupljanje mikrobiologa i stručnjaka srodnih struka s ciljem unapređenja svih grana mikrobiologije.
Date: 22 - 25 September 2025
Venue: Zadar, Croatia
The 7th Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR2025) will be held from September 22-25, 2025, at the Hotel Kolovare in Zadar, Croatia. This attractive tourist city, located in the center of the East Adriatic, is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, making it an ideal venue for this important event.Obavijest o simpoziju “Pokusne životinje u znanstvenim istraživanjima”
Date: 5.-6. veljače 2025.
Venue: Veterinarski fakulet Sveučilišta u Zagreb, Zagreb
12th Trends in Medical Mycology
Date: 19-22 September 2025
Venue: Bilbao, Spain
Ovaj sveučilišni priručnik napisalo je petnaestak autora iz desetak visokoškolskih ustanova iz Zagreba i Rijeke, a sadržaj je podijeljen u petnaest, slikama bogato ilustriranih poglavlja u kojima su opisane i obrađene različite bakteriološke, virološke, mikološke, imunološke i molekularno-biološke metode koje se upotrebljavaju u općoj mikrobiologiji koja se studira na nizu različitih fakulteta i visokih škola.
Radi se o vrhunskoj literaturi za potrebe visokoškolske nastave iz veterinarske imunologije. Knjiga je svojim sadržajem namijenjena prvenstveno studentima, ali i veterinarima u praksi i nastavnicima.
(Iz recenzije)