Denis Kutnjak

Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology of the National Institute of Biology, Slovenia

Dr. Denis Kutnjak is a researcher at the Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology of the National Institute of Biology (Ljubljana, Slovenia), where he heads the Microbiology research unit. As an external lecturer, he delivers lectures at the University of Ljubljana as an assistant professor. In his research work, he addresses questions spanning biology, biodiversity, evolution, and epidemiology of microbes, and the development and validation of tools for their detection. His research focuses on plant pathogens, especially viruses, but also includes other organisms pathogenic to humans and animals, environmental virology, water-based epidemiology, and viral ecology (studies of viromes of organisms and environmental samples in an ecosystemic context). He pays special attention to the use of high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics in virology and transfers the acquired experience to other areas, for example, to the diagnostics of viruses in plant samples and wastewater, and studies related to environmental DNA.

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