Abstract Submission

Abstract submission form

Abstract title (In sentence case. Example: Deep sequencing of infectious HSV particles from CSF)


Authors (Name and Surname followed by number denoting affiliation. Example: Amelia Rose Johnson (1), Wang Wei (2), Amani Jamal(1).

Author affiliation (Example: (1) Institute of Virology, Germany; (2) Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. If there’s only one affiliation, you may omit numbering.)

Corresponding author name and surname:

Corresponding author e-mail:


Abstract (no more than 2500 characters with spaces, do not include references):

(You have characters left.)


Preferred type of presentation:



Preferred section (Please list two sessions from the symposium program in which you think you abstract fits best):

1st choice (name of the session)

2nd choice (name of the session)