Fees and Accommodation


Registration fee

Registration fee will cover:

Covers Full registration fee Student fee Accompanying persons fee
Admission to the lectures + +
Book of abstracts + +
Welcome reception + + +
Refreshments and coffee during breaks + + +
Eligibility for special accommodation + + +
Excursion and Symposium gala dinner +


Early registration fees: before July 1 July 15, 2024. Register now!

Type of fee

Before July 15, 2024

After July 15, 2024

Full registration fee

400 € (3.012,00 kn)

450 € (3.388,50 kn)

Student fee

150 € (1.129,50 kn)

200 € (1.506,00 kn)

Accompanying persons fee

100 € (753,00 kn)

120 € (904,00 kn)

On-site full registration (cash only)

500 € (3.765,00 kn)



Payments must be made in advance in order to process registration/abstracts/conference dinner.

Payments should be done by BANK TRANSFER (please quote PowerofViruses2024, with your name and surname) in bank transfer details at:

Stenjevčica 7
OIB : 62614122064

IBAN: HR6423600001102924914
Description: PowerofViruses2024 – Name and Surname


Type of payment

Payment information

Payment in Euros

IBAN: HR6423600001102924914
(Description: PowerofViruses2024 – Name and Surname)


A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon receipt of payment.


On-site Registration and Payment

Please note that on-site registration and payment (late registration fees are applicable) will only be possible at the registration desk in euros. No credit cards or foreign currency will be accepted.


Cancellation Refund Policy

A refund of the registration fee minus 50 EUR for administration costs will be granted if notification of cancellation reaches the Meeting Secretariat in writing (symposium contact mail or secretary’s mail) before August 21, 2024. After this date, cancellations will not be refunded. Refunds by bank transfer will be processed after the symposium.



Venue & Accommodation


Hotel Kolovare, Zadar

The symposium will be held at the Hotel Kolovare, Zadar.

Address: Bože Peričića 14, 23 000 Zadar, Croatia

Website:  www.hotel-kolovare.com

The Organizing Committee has secured special rates for participants and their accompanying persons.


Accommodation booking

All accommodation bookings should be made directly with Hotel Kolovare in two ways:

• Directly at info@hotel-kolovare.com or maja.kolovare@hoteli-zadar.hr, with a reference to the symposium ‘Power of Viruses 2024’


• Online, using the code POV2024, on the website https://hotel-kolovare.com/, where you enter the arrival and departure dates and make sure you enter the code POV2024. If you click on ‘Book now’, you will be redirected to the landing page with the agreed prices for the congress and the choice of room type.


Please note that there is a limited number of rooms and participants are advised to book their accommodation as early as possible or the Organizing Committee cannot guarantee their accommodation.