Poster presentations

Poster Session 1

Thursday – September 26, 2024

Label Author Title
PS1-1 Ion Gutierrez-Aguirre Setting up a monitoring of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in environmental waters at migratory bird gathering sites
PS1-2 Bernard Jarić Investigation of miRNA modulation during infection with potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) upon treatment with 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA)
PS1-3 Daria Budzyńska Molecular characteristics of Polish watermelon mosaic virus isolates
PS1-4 Dijana Škorić  Extraction-free method for citrus leaf blotch virus RT-PCR detection from sweet orange samples
PS1-5 Jelena Zidović First report and complete genome of citrus vein enation virus infecting Satsuma mandarin in Montenegro
PS1-6 Julia Minicka Occurrence and population structure of viruses infecting zucchini in Poland
PS1-7 Luka Kranjc Viral Treasure Hunt: Unearthing Novel Tobamoviruses in Public Databases
PS1-8 Maja Ravnikar Water and soil contaminated with emerging tobamoviruses are the source of plant infections
PS1-9 Marcelo Eiras Virome analysis reveals the presence of hop latent virus in hops in Brazil
PS1-10 Mariyana Gozmanova Pathogen Profiling of Petunia hybrida Using High-Throughput RNA Sequencing and Multilocus Sequence Typing Analysis
PS1-11 Radovan Čobanović Detection of norovirus and hepatitis A virus in berries
PS1-12 Sunny Dhir Development and application of Apple stem grooving virus as VIGS vector
PS1-13 Vivien Fákó Investigation of RNAi Suppressor Coding Capacity of Prunus Virus F and Cherry Virus A in Solo and Mixed Infections
PS1-14 Yashika Walia Dhir Exploring viroids within the extra-cellular space of plants and their potential implications in cross-kingdom trafficking
PS1-15 Katarzyna Trzmiel Molecular characteristics of barley virus G isolates from Poland
PS1-16 Dora Pavić A novel bunya-like virus discovered in Aphanomyces laevis, an opportunistic oomycete pathogen of fishes
PS1-17 Matthaios Mathioudakis Identification of citrus viruses and viroids in new weed hosts in Greece
PS1-18 Almash Jahan Investigation of VSR coding capacity and possible synergistic effect of P0 and P4 protein of apple luteovirus 1



Poster Session 2

Friday – September 27, 2024

Label Name Title
PS2-1 Nina Kobe Novel SARS-CoV-2 E protein inhibitor identified in „in vitro“ study using a surrogate murine hepatitis virus
PS2-2 Polona Kogovšek Evaluation of antiviral activity of natural products on model bacteriophages and mammalian viruses
PS2-3 Luka Kranjc Viral landscapes of different crayfish species imported through the pet trade
PS2-4 Antigoni Katsoulidou Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of laboratory-confirmed MPOX cases in Greece – Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL), June 2022-April 2023
PS2-5 Irena Tabain Echovirus 30 in Croatia during 2010-2019
PS2-6 Sara Patačko PCR detection of herpes simplex virus 1 in patients with herpetic stromal keratitis
PS2-7 Vanja Kaliterna Extended HPV genotyping enables risk stratification for cervical cancer
PS2-8 Gergana Zahmanova SARS-CoV-2 Serological Diagnostic Development Using a Double Recognition Immunoassay Based on Plant-produced Nucleoprotein (N) and Receptor Binding Domain (RBD)
PS2-9 Ivana Rončević Occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Croatia
PS2-10 Dominik Herek Characterization of infection and experimental evolution of Orsay virus in different species of the genus Caenorhabditis
PS2-11 Marin Ježić Viral population diversity changes after vertical and horizontal transmission
PS2-12 Lilla Dénes Detection and phylogenetic characterization of porcine circovirus 2 and 3 strains in Hungary
PS2-13 Michaela Staetter Establishment of whole genome sequencing-based Influenza A virus surveillance targeting avian and porcine cases in Austria
PS2-14 Adrian Perhat ADAR1 translocates from the nucleus to the cytoplasm during productive infection with herpes simplex virus 1
PS2-15 Barbara Radić Murine cytomegalovirus disrupts endosomal recycling by altering the ubiquitination status of EHD1 and MICALL1
PS2-16 Sabina Fijan Probiotics as antiviral agents for the treatment of rotavirus gastrointestinal infections in children
PS2-17 Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek Rubella in childbearing-aged women in Croatia: preliminary seroprevalence results
PS2-18 Jelena Ivančić Jelečki Genetic stability of recombinant mumps viruses generated by reverse genetics technology
PS2-19 Maja Jagušić Effect of short, non-viral sequence inserted in the 3′ untranslated region of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase on mumps virus neurovirulence