
Wednesday September 25, 2024

13.00 14.00 Registration of participants
14.00 14.30 Opening ceremony
14.30 15.00 KL 1 Mart Krupovic (France): A kaleidoscope of archaeal viruses
15.00 15.30 KL 2 Santiago F. Elena (Spain): Harnessing the Caenorhabditis elegans/Orsay virus pathosystem as a new model for experimental virus evolution
15.30 16.00 Coffee break


SESSION I: Virus-host interactions

CHAIRPERSONS: Beatriz Navarro, Tina Uršič

16.00 16.30 IL 1 Beatriz Navarro (Italy): Molecular interplay between viroids and plants
16.30 17.00 IL 2 Tina Uršič (Slovenia): Respiratory viruses and the stories behind the scene
17.00 17.15 OP 1 Ilana S. Fratty (Israel): The aftermath of COVID-19: Exploring its impacts on influenza patterns in Israel
17.15 17.30 OP 2 Marina Prišlin Šimac (Croatia): In vitro interaction between canid alphaherpesvirus 1 and canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells: impact on cell gene expression and secretome profile
17.30 17.45 OP 3 Ivona Viduka (Croatia): Cytomegalovirus secondary envelopment and its release from infected cells is mediated by Rab15-positive membrane organelle
20.00 Welcome Reception (Swimming Pool)


Thursday September 26, 2024



SESSION II: Veterinary virology

CHAIRPERSONS: Lorena Jemeršić, Dragan Brnić

9.00 9.30 IL 3 Lorena Jemeršić (Croatia): A large virus causing a large problem – African swine fever virus
9.30 10.00 IL 4 Sandra Blome (Germany): African swine fever vaccination – concepts and status quo (online)
10.00 10.15 OP 4 Margarita Božiković (Croatia): First detection of porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses 1,2 and 3 in domestic pigs in Croatia
10.15 10.30 OP 5 Ivana Giovanna Zupičić (Croatia): Seawater Outbreak of Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN) in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
10.30 10.45 OP 6 Jelena Maksimović Zorić (Serbia): Establishment of the European Swine Influenza Network (ESFLU) for improvement of the One Health perspective
10.45 11.00     Coffee break
SESSION III:  Plant viruses

CHAIRPERSONS: Dijana Škorić, Éva Varallyay

9.00 9:30 IL 5 Éva Várallyay (Hungary): The legacy of classical virologists explored by HTS can lead to new discoveries
9.30 10.00 IL 6 Sebastien Massart (Belgium): “Into the wild“: from plant virus ecology in wild ecosystems to plant virus epidemics in crops
10.00 10.15 OP 7 Dijana Škorić (Croatia): Discovery of a previously unknown virus in ancient olives remains
10.15 10.30 OP 8 Lana Vogrinec (Slovenia): High-throughput sequencing reveals hidden viral diversity in aquatic plants
10.30 10.45 OP 9 Karima Ben Mansour (Czech Republic): Where do viruses come from, and when? Case studies of watermelon mosaic virus and grapevine Pinot Gris virus
10.45 11.00     Coffee break
SESSION IV: Immune response to virus infection

CHAIRPERSONS: Vanda Juranić Lisnić, Sanda Ravlić

11.00 11.30 IL 7 Vanda Juranić Lisnić (Croatia): Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in ovaries and adrenal glands
11.30 12.00 IL 8 Sanda Ravlić (Croatia): Understanding differences in immune status between COVID-19 survivors and vaccinated individuals
12.00 12.15 OP 10 Maja Bogdanić (Croatia): Seroepidemiology of cytomegalovirus infections in childbearing-aged and pregnant women in Croatia
12.15 12.30 OP 11 Jasmina Kučinar (Croatia): Prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 antibodies in risk populations, Istria County, 2020-2023
12.30 14.00     Lunch break (optional, not included in registration fee)
14.00 15.30     Poster session 1

Poster teaser: 15 min Session Chair: Marina Drčelić

SESSION V:  Environmental virology

CHAIRPERSONS: Sebastien Massart, Denis Kutnjak

11.00 11.30 IL 9 Eeva J. Vainio (Finland): Evolutionary links and lifestyle of mycoviruses in forest ecosystems (online)
11.30 12.00 IL 10 Denis Kutnjak (Slovenia): Assessing virome diversity across ecosystems: from plants to water samples
12.00 12.15 OP 12 Anna S. Speranskaya (Russia): Metavirome analysis of oral and faecal swabs from hedgehogs in central Russia: Coronaviruses, Mammarenaviruses and differences in virus composition in active and hibernating hedgehogs
12.15 12.30 OP 13 Dorotea Grbin (Croatia): First virome analysis of severely symptomatic zucchini in Croatia reveals high prevalence and diversity of potyviruses
12:30 14:00     Lunch break (optional, not included in registration fee)
14.00 15.30     Poster session 1

Poster teaser: 15 min Session Chair: Marina Drčelić

17:00 20:00     Social event-excursion (optional)



Friday September 27, 2024

SESSION VI: Emerging and neglected viruses

CHAIRPERSONS: Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Pavle Jeličić

9.00 9.30 IL 11 Tatjana Vilibić Čavlek (Croatia): Emerging trends of arbovirus infections in Croatia
9.30 9.45 OP 14 Dario Sabadi (Croatia): Clinical characteristics of neuroinvasive flavivirus infections in Croatia
9.45 10.00 OP 15 Barbara Igriczi (Hungary): First report of porcine parvovirus 8 in Europe: widespread detection and genetic characterization on commercial pig farms in Hungary and Slovakia
10.00 10.15 OP 16 Pavle Jeličić (Croatia): Epidemiology of hepatitis E virus in Croatia
10.15   10.30 OP 17 Iva Pem Novosel (Croatia): Assessment of West Nile virus transmission risk in Croatia
10:30   10:45     Gold sponsor presentation- Altium – Ines Topalović Piteša: Emerging viruses – from another perspective
10.45 11.10 Coffee break

CHAIRPERSONS: Tamaš Petrović, Ljubo Barbić

11.10 11.40 IL 12 Tamaš Petrović (Serbia): Some of the zoonotic viruses that circulate in Serbia in the last 20 years
11.40 12.10 IL 13 Ljubo Barbić (Croatia): A veterinary perspective on One Health in Croatia
12.10 12.25 OP 18 Gašper Grubelnik (Slovenia): Investigation of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
12.25 12.40     Gold sponsor presentation – NOACK– Gordana Rožić: Different solutions in the diagnosis of emergent animal diseases
13.00 14.30 Lunch break (optional, not included in registration fee)
14.30 16.00     Poster Session 2

Poster teaser: 15 min Session Chair: Sanda Ravlić

SESSION VIII: Virus diversity and evolution

CHAIRPERSONS: Snježana Židovec-Lepej, Francesco di Serio

9.00 9.30 IL 14 Francesco di Serio (Italy): The expanding world of novel viroid-like RNAs
9.30 10.00 IL 15 Snježana Židovec-Lepej (Croatia): Molecular diversity of EBV
10.00 10.30 IL 16 Leticia Botella (Czech Republic): The use of mycoviruses as potential markers to track the invasion pathways of their hosts
10.30 10.45 OP 19 Iro Skopa (Greece): Genomic surveillance in the era of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant of concern, from December 2021 to March 2024, in Greece
10.45 11.10     Coffee break
SESSION IX: Virus and cancer

CHAIRPERSONS: Beata Halassy, Jasmina Vraneš

11.10 11.40 IL 17 Beata Halassy (Croatia): Oncolytic virotherapy of a localized breast cancer recurrence in neoadjuvant setting – a case study
11.40 12.10 IL 18 Jasmina Vraneš (Croatia): HPV-associated cancers and HPV testing
12.10 12.25 OP 20 Anita Szalmás (Hungary): The role of the interaction between cytoplasmic protein phosphatases and HPV E7
12.25 12.50     Gold sponsor presentation – Sartorius BIA Separations – Maja Leskovec (Slovenia): Leveraging chromatographic tools for isolation and purification of viruses and viral vectors
13.00 14.30     Lunch break (optional, not included in registration fee)
14.30 16.00     Poster Session 2

Poster teaser: 15 min Session Chair: Sanda Ravlić

20.00 23.00     Gala dinner (optional)


Saturday September 28, 2024

SESSION X: Human virology

CHAIRPERSONS: Sunčanica Ljubin Sternak, József Kónya

9.00 9.30 IL 19 Igor Jurak (Croatia): RNA Editing-Dependent and -Independent Roles of Adenosine Deaminases Acting on RNA Proteins in Herpesvirus Infection
9.30 9.50 IL 20 Sunčanica Ljubin Sternak (Croatia): Contemporary Insights into Rhinoviruses: Exploring Global Trends and Local Perspectives
9.50 10.20 IL 21 József Kónya (Hungary): Assessment of the benefit of co-PCR-testing SARS-CoV-2 virus with influenza and RSV viruses on archived specimens
10.30 10.45 OP 21 Ivana Ferenčak (Croatia): Genomic surveillance of respiratory viruses in Croatia
10.45 11.15 Coffee break


SESSION XI: Antivirals and vaccines

CHAIRPERSON: Jelena Ivančić Jelečki, Nataša Lindič

11.15 11.45 IL 22 Dragomira Majhen (Croatia): Adenovirus vectors: when bad guys become the good ones
11.45 12.15 IL 23 Nataša Lindič (Slovenia): Cysteine cathepsins as potential targets for treatment of viral infections
12.15 12.45 IL 24 Maja Jagušić (Croatia): Guinea pig as a model for mumps virus infection
12.45 13.00 OP 22 Filip Glavač (Croatia): Intensive care unit treatment in people living with HIV in Croatia: a single Centre 25-year experience
13.00 Closing remarks


IL: invited lecture; OP: oral presentation;