Tamas Petrovic

Scientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad", Serbia

Tamas Petrovic, D.V.M., M.Sc, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, Scientific field: Microbiology – virology. Graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 1997. Master thesis and doctoral dissertation defended on the same faculty in 2002 and 2006. Scientific titles: 1998 Research Trainee; 2002 Research Assistant; 2007 Research Associate; 2011 Senior Research Associate and 2016 Principal Research Fellow. Basic Research interests: veterinary virology, vector-borne infections, food and environmental virology, detection, prevention, and control of animal contagious diseases and zoonosis. Main working and research activities: detection of viral diseases and presence of viruses in animals, vectors and environment by conventional and molecular laboratory methods (virus isolation, VNT, ELISA, IH, AGID, IFT, PCR qPCR), and characterization of viruses by molecular diagnostic methods. Participating and or coordinating in 20 national, 6 bilateral and 14 international research projects. Published more than 500 research or professional publications. Full member of the Serbian Veterinary Academy and President of the Section for zoonoses of Serbian Veterinary Association. Employed in Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad on Department of virology from 1997.

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