Date: 5.-6. veljače 2025.
Venue: Veterinarski fakulet Sveučilišta u Zagreb, Zagreb
Simpozij će se održati 5. - 6. veljače 2025. godine na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.Date: 19-22 September 2025
Venue: Bilbao, Spain
The 7th Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM) symposium will be held from 19-22 September 2025 at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao, Spain. This event gathers experts and researchers to discuss antifungal resistance, mycoses management, and other key topics in medical mycology. The event includes lectures, symposia, and an industry exhibition.Date: 23rd - 27th September 2024
Venue: Rovinj, Croatia
European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society and the Croatian Genetic Society organize 2024 meeting entitled: “Fundamental genomics. New approaches. Solutions for the changing environment and human health.” that will take place from 23rd to 27th September 2024 in Rovinj, Croatia.Date: 7. i 8. svibnja 2024.
Venue: BICRO BIOCentar, Zagreb
Obavještavamo Vas o radionici o PCR i qPCR tehnikama u mikrobiologiji i molekularnoj biologiji koja će se održati 7. i 8. svibnja 2024. godine u prostorijama tvrtke BICRO BIOCentar d.o.o. u Zagrebu, s ciljem pružanja temeljnog razumijevanja tih tehnika te njihove primjene u istraživačkom radu, uz cijenu sudjelovanja od 350 € + PDV i popuste za rane prijave te sudionike iz akademskih ustanova.Date: 10 - 12 October 2024
Venue: Belgrade, Serbia
3rd<\sup> Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology...Date: 2 - 10 September 2024
Venue: Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia
The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs recognizes 25 of the most talented and promising researchers from across the world. It is designed to support personal and professional development through 9 days of close work with top scientists, and to enable and encourage research collaboration across all fields of microbiology.Date: November 30 - December 1, 2023
Venue: Maribor, Slovenia
The Slovenian Microbiome Network Symposium 2023 awaits, offering a platform for scientific exchange and collaboration opportunities. Engage with experts from diverse fields, including medicine, agriculture, ecology, and environmental science.Date: 5-7 July, 2023
Venue: Budapest, Hungary
On behalf of the Presidium of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology and the Council of the Faculty of Science Eötvös Loránd University we invite you to attend the 19th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology (July 5-7, 2023) at the Faculty of Science Eötvös Loránd University organized by the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, the Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, and the Foundation of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology at the Faculty of Science Eötvös Loránd University.Date: 25. - 27. svibnja 2023.
Venue: The Westin hotel, Zagreb
Hrvatski liječnički zbor i Hrvatsko društvo za biosigurnost i biozaštitu organizira Drugi hrvatski kongres o biosigurnosti i biozaštiti s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Kongres će se održati Westin hotelu u Zagreb, 25. – 27. svibnja 2023.Date: October 20-23, 2023
Venue: Athens, Greece
TIMM-11 will be held in Athens, Greece. The Athens International Airport is connected to all major cities around the world at competitive prices. The meeting venue offers state of the art meeting rooms and facilities. Athens features easy and quick transportation at very low cost. Boasting a history of 2.500 years with monuments incorporated into the modern city, coupled with world class museums and a vibrant contemporary cultural life, Athens becomes a very attractive destination.Date: 11. - 17. veljače 2023.
Venue: Dubrovnik, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet i Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek kao glavni organizatori uz sudjelovanje brojnih domaćih i inozemnih podupirajućih institucija pozivaju Vas na 58. hrvatski i 18. međunarodni simpozij agronoma tijekom kojeg će se odvijati i Međunarodni samit o obnovljivim izvorima energije.Osnovna svrha projekta je doprinijeti uvođenju, razvoju i održivosti programa društveno korisnog učenja na fakultetima. Više o projektu
Cilj Društva je okupljanje mikrobiologa i stručnjaka srodnih struka s ciljem unapređenja svih grana mikrobiologije.
Date: 22 - 25 September 2025
Venue: Zadar, Croatia
The 7th Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR2025) will be held from September 22-25, 2025, at the Hotel Kolovare in Zadar, Croatia. This attractive tourist city, located in the center of the East Adriatic, is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, making it an ideal venue for this important event.Obavijest o simpoziju “Pokusne životinje u znanstvenim istraživanjima”
Date: 5.-6. veljače 2025.
Venue: Veterinarski fakulet Sveučilišta u Zagreb, Zagreb
12th Trends in Medical Mycology
Date: 19-22 September 2025
Venue: Bilbao, Spain
Ovaj sveučilišni priručnik napisalo je petnaestak autora iz desetak visokoškolskih ustanova iz Zagreba i Rijeke, a sadržaj je podijeljen u petnaest, slikama bogato ilustriranih poglavlja u kojima su opisane i obrađene različite bakteriološke, virološke, mikološke, imunološke i molekularno-biološke metode koje se upotrebljavaju u općoj mikrobiologiji koja se studira na nizu različitih fakulteta i visokih škola.
Radi se o vrhunskoj literaturi za potrebe visokoškolske nastave iz veterinarske imunologije. Knjiga je svojim sadržajem namijenjena prvenstveno studentima, ali i veterinarima u praksi i nastavnicima.
(Iz recenzije)