IUMS 2014 Congresses – Montréal, Canada

Date: July 27 – August 1, 2014

Venue: Montréal, Canada

IUMS 2014 Invitation 
(PDF, 0.5 MB)

July 27 – August 1, 2014 | International Union of Microbiological Societies Congresses: XIVth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, XIVth International Congress of Mycology, XVIth International Congress of Virology

The three IUMS International Congresses of Microbiology will be held concurrently so as to favour cross-fertilization among disciplines and hence foster a modern outlook on microbiology in the 21st century.

We invite everyone involved or interested in some or all aspects of research and training in microbiology:

  • basic research leading to advancement of knowledge,
  • clinical research bringing new knowledge from the bench to patients,
  • industrial research dealing with the development and use of innovative approaches to prevent and treat microbe-related health problems or to the use of microbes for the benefit of mankind.
More info at: www.montrealiums2014.org



I am delighted to invite you to attend the International Microbiology Congresses of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). On behalf of the National Organizing Committee, I look forward to welcoming you in Montréal, Canada, from July 27 to August 1, 2014.

For the 14th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, the 14thInternational Congress of Mycology and the 16th International Congress of Virology, we wish to promote international sharing, cooperation and open discussions on recent advances and perspectives in microbiology research. These congresses bring together the largest, most comprehensive group of microbiology researchers at a single gathering. This world class event draws upon the expertise and experience of organizations and countries from around the globe.

Special efforts will be made to attract as many young scientists as possible, both from developed and developing countries.

Montréal is an ideal venue for such a gathering, a cultured centre of learning and commerce, vastly experienced in welcoming the world. Being the world’s second-largest French-speaking city, it is a land of hospitality and openness.

The science, the special events planned by the Organizing Committee, and the city itself will make this meeting an unforgettable experience that you will find both stimulating and entertaining. Plan to join us at what will be a memorable international event. This will indeed be a rendez-vous not to be missed!

Pierre Talbot
President of Congresses
National Organizing Committee


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Postani član HMD-a

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Veterinarska imunologija

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(Iz recenzije)

Naruči Više