Date: September 28 to October 1 2016
Venue: Krk, Croatia
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the symposium “Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2016”, which will be held in Krk (island Krk), Croatia from September 28 to October 1 2016.
The experience of the past meetings motivated our efforts to continue with this series with a clear tendency to include new societies and strengthen the scientific connections among research groups of neighbouring countries.
Respecting the moment and financial situation in most European countries, and with a wish to attract as many young researchers as possible, the Organising Committee has provided lower registration fees, particularly for students, and special accommodation prices for participants of the meeting. The organisation of the symposium is again supported by FEMS enabling grants for young scientists and invited speakers. All the necessary details can be found at the symposium web-site.
Osnovna svrha projekta je doprinijeti uvođenju, razvoju i održivosti programa društveno korisnog učenja na fakultetima. Više o projektu
Cilj Društva je okupljanje mikrobiologa i stručnjaka srodnih struka s ciljem unapređenja svih grana mikrobiologije.
Date: 25-28 September 2024
Venue: Zadar, Croatia
We are honoured and pleased to invite you to the second international symposium “Power of Viruses 2024” to be held at the Hotel Kolovare, Zadar, Croatia, 25-28 September 2024.Ovaj sveučilišni priručnik napisalo je petnaestak autora iz desetak visokoškolskih ustanova iz Zagreba i Rijeke, a sadržaj je podijeljen u petnaest, slikama bogato ilustriranih poglavlja u kojima su opisane i obrađene različite bakteriološke, virološke, mikološke, imunološke i molekularno-biološke metode koje se upotrebljavaju u općoj mikrobiologiji koja se studira na nizu različitih fakulteta i visokih škola.
Radi se o vrhunskoj literaturi za potrebe visokoškolske nastave iz veterinarske imunologije. Knjiga je svojim sadržajem namijenjena prvenstveno studentima, ali i veterinarima u praksi i nastavnicima.
(Iz recenzije)