Power of Viruses 2024

Date: 25-28 September 2024

Venue: Zadar, Croatia

Dear Colleagues,

We are honoured and pleased to invite you to the second international symposium “Power of Viruses 2024” to be held at the Hotel Kolovare, Zadar, Croatia, 25-28 September 2024.

Zadar is on the Adriatic coast; with its rich history, scenic beauty and accessibility, it provides a perfect setting for scientific discussions and informal networking. The symposium venue will be the Hotel Kolovare, located only a fifteen-minute walk from the historic centre of Zadar, which offers the perfect combination of sports, wellness and gourmet experiences.

The inaugural Power of Viruses conference, held in Poreč in 2018, comprehensively covered key topics in virology. This time we will gather experts from Croatia and abroad to discuss numerous issues related to viruses, exchange experiences and knowledge, stimulate further development of virology in Europe, particularly in southeastern Europe, and promote international collaboration among virologists across different sub-fields including medicine, plant, and veterinary virology.

The scientific programme will be prepared by an international scientific committee of virologists from various fields.

Building upon the resounding success of our previous gathering, we are committed to strengthening scientific bonds among research groups in neighbouring countries and beyond. This symposium is organised by the Croatian Microbiological Society and the Croatian Society for Clinical Microbiology – Virology Section and co-organized in collaboration with the Slovenian Microbiological Society and the Hungarian Society for Microbiology.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are eager to provide a welcoming and convivial atmosphere for socialising, ideas exchange, and forging new connections.

With the aim of encouraging the participation of young researchers, the Organizing Committee has endeavoured to offer reduced registration fees, especially for students, along with special accommodation rates for symposium attendees. Comprehensive information regarding these arrangements will be available on our symposium website.

We eagerly anticipate your presence in Zadar and look forward to a productive and enriching symposium experience.

Warm regards!


Irena Tabain Roberto Antolović
President of the Symposium President of Croatian
Microbiological Society


Posjeti web stranicu

Projekt "U Društvu mikroba"

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Postani član HMD-a

Cilj Društva je okupljanje mikrobiologa i stručnjaka srodnih struka s ciljem unapređenja svih grana mikrobiologije.

Postani član

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Novosti i zanimljivosti nam šaljite na urednik@hmd-cms.hr.

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Naruči Više

Veterinarska imunologija

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(Iz recenzije)

Naruči Više