May 24-27, 2022, Sv. Martin na Muri, Croatia

Abstract Submission

All participants who want to present at the Congress should submit an abstract no later then 24th of January 2022.

The Scientific Committee will review all submitted abstracts, decide on their acceptance and way of presentation (oral or poster).

Authors will receive a decision no later than 31st of January 2022.


Abstract Submission Form

    Abstract title (In sentence case. Example: ESBL-encoding plasmids without frontiers)


    Authors (Name and Surname followed by number denoting affiliation. Example: John Smith (1) and Anna Doe (2).

    Author affiliation (Example: (1) Institute of Biotechnology, Germany; (2) Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. If there’s only one affiliation, you may omit numbering.)

    Corresponding author name and surname:

    Corresponding author e-mail:


    Abstract (no more than 2500 characters with spaces, do not include references):

    (You have characters left.)


    Preferred type of presentation:



    Preferred section (Please list two sessions from the symposium program in which you think you abstract fits best):

    1st choice (name of the session)

    2nd choice (name of the session)