Martin Hoenigl
Medical University of Graz, Austria; University of California, San Diego, United States of America
Martin Hoenigl, M. D., Ass. Prof., FECMM is holding a double appointment as Associate Professor at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical University of Graz, Austria and the Division of Infectious Diseases of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
He has obtained his venia docendi in internal medicine in 2012, and is author to over 230 pub med listed publications in the field of infectious diseases, the majority in leading authorships (i.e. first or last author; ORCiD: 0000-0002-1653-2824).
Dr. Hoenigl has particular expertise in conducting research on clinical mycology, including fungal diagnostics and pharmacology of antifungal drugs and correlation with clinical findings.
He is the current president of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM), and an Study Group Member (Investigator) at the ACTG AIDS Clinical Trials Group – End-organ Disease and Inflammation Transformative Science Group.
Dr. Hoenigl is also the founder of the ECMM Academy (together with Prof. Cornely) and serves since 2015 as an associate editor for the journal Mycoses.
Dr. Hoenigl has been awarded with the Researcher of the year 2011 award at the Medical University of Graz, with the Research Promotion award 2014, the highest award of the German Speaking mycological society, and with the ID Week Diagnostic award in 2018.
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Published on: 05.05.2022.
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Published on: 07.07.2021.
Read a short report and view photos from our 2016 congress.