Tonči Rezić
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
Dr Tonči Rezić is professor at the University of Zagreb (Croatia) in the field of biotechnology. His area of experience is bioreactor performance development, biofuels and biochemical production, biological wastewater treatment, bioprocesses mathematical modeling and optimization. He was coordinator and investigator on the WTZ Austrian-Croatian bilateral project “Integrated bioethanol production from crops and crap” and investigator on the three scientific program of Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports “Mathematical modeling in development of bioprocesses and products”; “Use of integrated bioprocesses in lactic acid production” and “Sustainable production of bioethanol and biochemical from agricultural waste lignocellulosic raw materials”. As the member of international consortium he was participating in the “BIODETOX” and “IRIS-2” FP-7 project application. He was granted from Austrian Government for 2006/2007 with “Ernst Mach-Stipendien”.
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Published on: 05.05.2022.
Report and photos from our previous congress
Published on: 07.07.2021.
Read a short report and view photos from our 2016 congress.