Special Conference Events

Micro Fair
Micro Fair will enable companies manufacturing or distributing chemicals, tools, intellectual know-how used by microbiologists and related disciplines researchers, veterinary or medical practitioners, field experts etc. to present their companies, products and activities to the Congress participants.
This is a great opportunity to establish contacts with the potential new clients from the research community, academia and field experts or to strengthen the relationships with the old ones in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Micro Fair will be held at the Conference Center of the Hotel Spa Golfer on Thursday, June 16, 2016 from 11:00 – 13:00. The congress organizers will provide the exhibition area facilities including the exhibition stands.
Information on the organization and Micro Fair fee are available directly from prof. dr. Višnja Bačun Družina (visnjabd@pbf.hr) or through the congress official mail (congress2016@hmd-cms.hr).
Confirmed Micro Fair Exhibitors:

Microbes in Vineyard
Microbes in Vineyard is a three hour workshop intended for winemakers with lectures covering topics such as wine yeasts and trends in winemaking, health issues of grapevines such as quarantine diseases and grapevine viroses and pest management of vineyards. Lectures are followed by a discussion of the topics.
Confirmed lectures:
- Wine yeasts and trends in winemaking
– Assoc. Prof. Ana Jeromel, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Viticulture and Enology - Quarantine diseases of grapevine caused by phytoplasmas and bacteria with a review of national legislation
– Ivana Križanac, M. Sc., Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs – Institute for Plant Protection - Insect vectors of phytoplasmas and integrated pest management of the vineyards
– Željko Budinščak, Ph. D., Institute for Plant Protection – Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Grapevine viroses, its emerging diseases and ongoing international projects dealing with related problems
– Assoc. Prof. Dijana Škorić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology - Discussion
Full programme coming soon!
Mikrobi u vinogradu
Mikrobi u vinogradu je radionica u trajanju do tri sata namijenjena vinarima i vinogradarima, predavanja pokrivaju teme od vinskih kvasaca i trendova u vinarstvu do mikrobnih bolesti poput karantenskih bolesti i viroza vinove loze do mjera zaštite vinograda. Nakon izlaganja predviđena je rasprava.
Potvrđena predavanja:
- Vinski kvasci i trendovi u vinarstvu
– Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Jeromel, Zavod za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo, Agronomski fakultet u Zagrebu - Karantenske fitoplazmoze i bakterioze vinove loze s osvrtom na zakonsku regulativu
– Mr. sc. Ivana Križanac-Zavod za zaštitu bilja – Hrvatski centar za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo - Kukci prenositelji fitoplazmoza i integrirana zaštita vinograda
– Dr. sc. Željko Budinščak, ZZB-HCPHS - Viroze i emergentne bolesti vinove loze, međunarodni projekti u tijeku vezani uz bolesti loze
– Izv. prof. dr. sc. Dijana Škorić, PMF, Zagreb - Rasprava o temama
Puni program uskoro!
Report and photos from the congress
Published on: 12.07.2016.
Read a short report and view photos from the congress.
Special Events
Published on: 25.05.2016.
Several special conference events will be held during the congress: Round Table, Micro Fair, 2 workshops and a...
Don’t miss these important dates! | |
Abstract submission | April 18, 2016 |
Decision on abstract acceptance as poster/oral presentation | April 22, 2016 |
Early registration (lower fee) Before | April 29, 2016 |
Late registration (higher fee) After | April 29, 2016 |
Hotel booking (hotel accommodation guaranteed) | May 15, 2016 |
Congress | June 15 – 18, 2016 |