Undergraduate and graduate students
Especially low registration fee is available to undergraduate and graduate Croatian students to attend ˝Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2019˝!
The Croatian Microbiological Society and the Organising Committee have decided to promote the participation of undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest to learn more about the symposium topics at ˝Power of Microbes 2019˝.
The organisers are offering the undergraduate and graduate Croatian students a discounted registration fee for full participation at Power of Microbes 2019 Symposium. Therefore, in addition to attending lectures, students will be provided with accreditations, printed materials and access to coffee breaks and welcome reception.
To seize this opportunity, please register by filling out the electronic registration form by April 25, 2019. During the registration procedure, be sure to check the “I am an undergraduate/graduate student from a Croatian university” box. Payments must be made in advance in order to process the registration and should be made through this link.
In addition, a proof of undergraduate or graduate student status must be sent by e-mail to: ranko.filipovic@pmc.hr.
Note that accommodation and travel expenses are not included and should be covered by the students.